Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Text File
554 lines
* QCONFIG.PE2 -- Configuration file for QEDIT2 to emulate IBM's PE II.
* First Written: 25-FEB-88 Tim Farley
* Last Revised: 23-AUG-89 Tim Farley For QEdit 2.08, QEdit OS/2 1.00
* 07-NOV-89 TF Misc edits.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Below are other QCONFIG options you should set to closely duplicate
* the default PE2 configuration. You will have to select these
* from the menus within QCONFIG. For any options not listed here, just
* hit <RETURN> to keep the default, or configure to your preference:
* (A)dvanced options:
* -------------------
* Do you want the return command to split lines in insert mode (Y/N)? : N
* Do you want the ESCAPE command to invoke the menus (Y/N)? [Y] : Y
* (C)olors/screen:
* ----------------
* Statusline position: "T" for top, "B" for bottom [T] : B
* Number of cols to scroll horizontally for screen lt/rt commands : 40
* --------------------------- -------------------------
* Blocked Text: 79 White on Red 112 Inverse
* Error msgs: 12 Red on Black 12 Bright
* Text Area: 31 White on Blue 23 Normal
* Status Line: 47 White on Green 112 Inverse
** Cursor Line: 27 Cyan on Blue 31 Bright Normal
** Messages: 36 Red on Green 47 Bright Normal
** Hi-lited items: 57 Bright Blue on Cyan 57 Bright Underlined
* EOF line/indicator: 31 White on Blue 23 Normal
** Help screen: 112 Black on White 112 Inverse
** Box borders: 43 Cyan on Green 43 Bright Normal
** PopUp windows: 47 White on Green 47 Bright Normal
** Menu items: 46 Yellow on Green 46 Bright Normal
** Selected Menu items: 78 Yellow on Red 120 Bright Inverse
* (Those marked with ** to the left, don't really have analogues in PE2.
* The colors for these were chosen to fit pleasantly with PE2's colors).
* (G)eneral options:
* ------------------
* Do you want the del_ch command to join lines if at EOL (Y/N)? : N
* Do you want the PQuit, Exit and File commands to return
* to the "edit file" prompt (Y/N)? : N
* Default right margin for wordwrap [1..512] : 79
* Do you want the editor to start in insertmode (Y/N)? : N
* Do you want the editor to start in autoindent mode (Y/N)? : Y
* Prompt for filename on open window (Y/N)? : N
* Close window when a file is quit (Y/N)? : N
* Display End Of File marker (Y/N)? : Y
* Insert line blocks ABOVE the cursor line (Y/N)? : N
* (T)ab settings:
* ---------------
* ...editor to start in Physical Tab Expansion Mode? : Y (Tabs Expand mode)
* ...editor to start in Tabs Out mode (Y/N)? : N (Tabs Out mode)
* ...editor to start in Smart Tabs Mode (Y/N)? : N (Smart Tabs mode)
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* special keys
cursorup CursorUp
cursordown CursorDown
cursorleft CursorLeft
cursorright CursorRight
pgup PageUp
pgdn PageDown
home BegLine
end EndLine
ins ToggleInsert
del DelCh
* With Autoindent turned ON, this enter key should work similar to PE2.
* If not, you might try assigning a macro to enter.
enter Return
backspace Backspace
escape Escape
tab TabRt
* function key set
* F2, F3 and F7 require the user to hit RETURN to confirm them in the
* default PE2 config. As configured here, there is no such pause, and it
* would be difficult to insert one.
f1 QuickHelp
f2 SaveFile
f3 File
f4 PQuit
f5 MacroBegin BegLine DelToEol
f6 DelToEol
f7 PrintAll
f8 NextFile
f9 AddLine
* Note the following assumes that Smart Tabs is turned OFF by default, as
* recommended above.
f10 MacroBegin BegLine AddLine ToggleSmartTabs TabRt ToggleSmartTabs
* enhanced keyboard only
` InputCh
~ InputCh
/ InputCh
* These three just passed along a printable char in PE2. We'll let them
* stay at their QEdit defaults, which have no equivalents in PE2. If you
* want them to be their printable equivalents, change to "InputCh" on each.
grey* Paste
grey+ Copy
grey- Cut
* ^Left and ^Right move the cursor 40 columns at a time in PE2.
* 19 columns at a time is the best we can do here, because of length
* limitations. You could make a QMAC macro to do 40, though.
^cursorleft MacroBegin CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft CursorLeft
^cursorright MacroBegin CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight CursorRight
^pgup BegScreen
^pgdn EndScreen
^home BegFile
^end EndFile
* We make ^enter match QEdit. See also ^A for RepeatFind.
^enter ExecuteScrap
^backspace DelLine
* control keys
* Control-A does nothing in PE2. We make it RepeatFind. Think "Again".
^a RepeatFind
* Control-B is "begin word". We simulate that with a macro.
^b MacroBegin CursorRight WordLeft
* Note we lose the normal QEdit definitions for the Scrap Buffer operations.
* ^b_a AppendScrBuff
* ^b_l GetScrBuff
* ^b_s StoreScrBuff
* Control-C is center line in margins. No such function in QEdit.
* So we make it Dos to complement Shell on Control-D. Think of ^C
* as "single dos Command".
^c Dos
* PE2's "DOS" becomes QEdit's "Shell".
^d Shell
* Control-E is "end word". We simulate that with a macro, not too successfully.
^e MacroBegin WordRight CursorLeft CursorLeft
* Control-F is "copy from command" which has no analogue in QEdit.
* Control-J is a "join line" with automatic loss of leading blanks, in PE2.
* I can't think of an easy way to do this, so we will leave QEdit's
* Goto a given line number here.
^j GotoLine
* Control-K is "Edit .Keydefs" in PE2, which is not possible in QEdit.
* (Key definitions are bound in with QCONFIG and not editable in QEdit).
* So, we will leave the "WordStar" ^K combinations active.
^k_b MarkBlockBegin
^k_c CopyBlock
^k_d File
^k_e EditFile
^k_f ChangeFilename
^k_h UnmarkBlock
^k_k MarkBlockEnd
^k_n NextFile
^k_p PrevFile
^k_q PQuit
^k_r ReadBlock
^k_s SaveFile
^k_t MarkWord
^k_v MoveBlock
^k_w WriteBlock
^k_x File
^k_y DeleteBlock
^k_z KillFile
^l MakeCtrOfScreen
* Control-M is nothing in PE2.
* No equivalent, so we leave QEdit's default.
^m MacroRecord
* Control-N goes down 64 lines (approx one printed page) in PE2
* We'll fake this with page downs, but it will only work right in a full
* screen window on a 25-line screen.
^n MacroBegin PageDown PageDown PageDown LineUp LineUp LineUp LineUp LineUp MakeBotOfScreen
* Control-O does nothing in PE2, fortunately enough, so we retain QEdit's
* WordStar like ^O commands.
^o_c CloseWindow
^o_l SetPrintLeftMargin
^o_n NextWindow
^o_o OneWindow
^o_p PrevWindow
^o_g GrowWindow
^o_r SetRmargin
^o_s ShrinkWindow
^o_h HorizontalWindow
^o_w ToggleWordwrap
^o_z ZoomWindow
^p PrintBlock
* Control-Q does nothing in PE2, fortunately enough, so we retain QEdit's
* WordStar like ^Q commands.
^q_a FindReplace
^q_b GotoBlockBeg
^q_c EndFile
^q_d EndLine
^q_e BegScreen
^q_f Find
^q_i ToggleIndent
^q_k GotoBlockEnd
^q_l UndoCursorLine
^q_p PrevPosition
^q_r BegFile
^q_s BegLine
^q_t ToggleSmartTabs
^q_x EndScreen
^q_y DelToEol
^r MacroBegin DupLine CursorUp
^s HorizontalWindow
* Control-T is "copy to command" which has no analogue in QEdit.
* Lets use it to rescue the stranded "scratch buffer" commands.
* Think "scraTch buffer" or "Text buffer" when using these:
* "Text append"
^t_a AppendScrBuff
* "Text load"
^t_l GetScrBuff
* "Text store"
^t_s StoreScrBuff
* Control-U shows the unkill buffer in PE2. We will just make it unkill the
* the last killed piece of text, which is close enough for government work.
* It's actually a bit handier.
^u UnKill
* Control-V is "next view", which has no analogue in QEdit.
^w NextWindow
* PE2's ZoomWindow, Control-Z, actually works like QEdit's
* OneWindow--change to single screen from split screen.
* QEdit's ZoomWindow is more useful--it TOGGLES between a single screen and
* a split screen mode.
* A PE2 purist would change the line below to say OneWindow.
^z ZoomWindow
* Control-F1 through Control-F10 insert the specified number of lines
^f1 MacroBegin AddLine BegLine
^f2 MacroBegin AddLine AddLine BegLine
^f3 MacroBegin AddLine AddLine AddLine BegLine
^f4 MacroBegin AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine BegLine
^f5 MacroBegin AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine BegLine
^f6 MacroBegin AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine BegLine
^f7 MacroBegin AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine BegLine
^f8 MacroBegin AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine BegLine
^f9 MacroBegin AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine BegLine
^f10 MacroBegin AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine AddLine BegLine
* enhanced keyboard only
* We will leave QEdit's definition of Control-Minus, since PE2 does not have
* it, and does not have anything useful assigned here.
^- GetPrev
#ins InputCh
#del InputCh
#tab TabLt
* Shift-F1 and Shift-F2 were a special "page up" and "page down" for the help
* file in PE2. QEdit's help is a single page, so they are not assigned here.
* So we put Box drawing on #f1 as it is in QEdit by default.
#f1 ToggleBoxDraw
* Sort is normally #f3 in QEdit
#f2 Sort
* Wrapping is done on the marked block in PE2. In QEdit it runs from the
* cursor position to the next blank line, and ignores marked blocks. So
* we fake PE2's definition in a macro.
#f3 MacroBegin GotoBlockEnd AddLine GotoBlockBeg WrapPara DelLine
#f4 UndoCursorLine
* Shift-F5 is "confirm change" in PE2, this is emulates it for QEdit.
* Probably better off assigning it to something else entirely, as QEdit uses
* a much simpler "Yes/No" prompt.
#f5 MacroBegin 'Y'
* Shift-F6 is erase to beginning of line
#f6 MacroBegin CursorRight SplitLine DelLine BegLine
#f7 ShiftLeft
#f8 ShiftRight
* Shift-F9 brings a directory of the current dir into an editing buffer
#f9 MacroBegin EditFile 'dir' Return KillFile Quit Dos 'dir >dir' Return Return EditFile Return
* Shift-F10 does a "point and shoot" file picker on the dir listing generated
* by Shift-F9.
#f10 MacroBegin DupLine GotoColumn '10' Return DelToEol EndLine '.' UnKill GotoColumn '13' Return DelToEol UnMarkBlock MarkLine Cut EditFile Paste Return
* enhanced keyboard only
* alternate keys
@b MarkColumn
@c DropAnchor
@d DeleteBlock
* Note QEdit moves the cursor just OUTSIDE the end of a character or
* column block, while the [end mark] command in PE2 stays INSIDE the block
@e GotoBlockEnd
* There is no equivalent for Alt-F, Fill Mark, in QEdit. So we use QEdit's.
@f MacroBegin MainMenu 'F'
@j JoinLine
@l MarkLine
@m MoveBlock
@n MacroBegin AddLine BegLine Literal ""
@o CopyOverBlock
* The macro that PE2 has here is very close to QEdit's native definition
* of WrapPara. See also Shift-F3.
@p WrapPara
* QEdit's "Quit" menu
@q MacroBegin MainMenu 'Q'
* Alt-R is redraw screen in PE2. Since QEdit doesn't need this, we leave it
* at QEdit's read_block
@r ReadBlock
@s SplitLine
@u UnmarkBlock
* @W attempts to emulate PE2's "mark next word" macro. See also ^K_T for
* a "mark this word" key.
@w MacroBegin WordRight AltWordSet UnMarkBlock MarkWord DefaultWordSet GotoBlockEnd DropAnchor GotoBlockBeg
@x Literal
@y GotoBlockBeg
* NOTE: After copying a block, PE2 leaves the SOURCE marked, QEdit leaves
* the COPY marked.
@z CopyBlock
* Alt-F1 is display memory available in PE2. QEdit does this continuously in
* the status line. So we leave QEdit's default definition here.
@f1 ToggleBoxType
* Alt-F2 is show disk space in PE2. We fake this by running CHKDSK.
* This would be better replaced by a call to FREE.COM or other quick utility
@f2 MacroBegin Dos "CHKDSK" Return
@f3 MacroBegin Dos "CD" Return
* Alt-F4, show Hscroll, is a QCONFIG option in QEdit, so we cannot change
* it with a keystroke here.
* Alt-F5 through Alt-F8 only "show" the given option in PE2. Here we
* show it and leave you in a spot to change it.
@f5 SetCtabwidth
@f6 SetRmargin
@f7 ToggleTabsExpand
@f8 ToggleTabsOut
* This one is definitely a kludge. We stop at the find options prompt to
* show them to the user.
@f9 MacroBegin Find " " Return
* Alt-F10 shows the ASCII code of the char under the cursor in PE2.
* No such function in QEdit. However, you could write a macro here that
* would mark and "Copy" the current character, open up another file with an
* ASCII table in it, do a Find, and Paste the character into the Find prompt,
* thereby placing the cursor on that character in an ASCII chart.
* We will carry over QEdit's default of "Show the screen from DOS"
@f10 ShowEntryScreen
* enhanced keyboard only
* Alt-0 through Alt-9 set various margins and initial indents in PE2.
* We set the margins here, but the initial indents are not possible
@0 MacroBegin SetRMargin "100" Return
@1 MacroBegin SetRMargin "10" Return
@2 MacroBegin SetRMargin "20" Return
@3 MacroBegin SetRMargin "30" Return
@4 MacroBegin SetRMargin "40" Return
@5 MacroBegin SetRMargin "50" Return
@6 MacroBegin SetRMargin "60" Return
@7 MacroBegin SetRMargin "70" Return
@8 MacroBegin SetRMargin "80" Return
@9 MacroBegin SetRMargin "90" Return
@- WordLeft
@= WordRight
* other enhanced only keys
greyenter Return
^greyenter ExecuteScrap
^cursordown LineDown
^cursorup LineUp